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    Southern California
    Eye Physicians & Surgeons

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"If these numbers are not working, please call (562) 507-1393"

Southern California Eye Physicians & Surgeons

Center for Oculofacial & Orbital Surgery

Our office provides comprehensive specialty surgical procedures addressing diverse ophthalmological conditions such as drooping eyelids (ptosis), eyelid malposition (entropion, ectropion), and eyelash abnormalities. We treat tumors of the eyelids and orbit, trauma, congenital abnormalities, thyroid eye disease, tearing problems, blinking difficulties (blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm), cataracts and glaucoma.

Ophthalmologists, Drs. Julia & Alice Song


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“To save time, you may fill out the registration form before arriving to the doctor's office. You can complete it online and email it to us, or you can print it out and bring it with you on the day of your visit.”


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Southern California Eye Physicians & Surgeons


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For Song twins, seeing is believing in North Korea

Drs. Alice & Julia Song are twins like no other. They are ophthalmologists who have traveled to North Korea to teach medical and donate.

Timely Glaucoma Diagnosis Prevents Woman's Blindness

Christine C. knew she was at risk of developing glaucoma. Her mother lost much of her vision to the eye disease. When her own vision started to fail, she went into panic mode, and immediately called her health insurer. The wait to see an ophthalmologist — a physician who specializes in medical and surgical eye care — was an astounding six months. But she knew the type of glaucoma her mother suffered from was truly a medical emergency.

What Our Patients Say